The first way to become a zombie would be through brain parasite such as toxoplasmosa gondii, which is known to cause some sort of brain control in rates. It causes the rats to show "insane" effects. In addition, the pararasite is know to also be present in some humans, but not show the same effets yet. If the parasite were to evolve a little bit more, then maybe the chance of having a brain dead human being could be possible such as in the Resident Evil games starting with part 4.
A second chemical that could be used are neurotoxins. Neurotoxins, such as the drug drug like datura stramonium, can induce humans to a trance state, with no memory. However, the infected individual would still be able to eat, moan and move. An excellent example of this was seen in Resident Evil 5.
The number one cause on this list that i find not to credible is the making of nanobots. Nanobots have been said to be able to control our brain through "rewiring" our thoughts. This is sort of scary to be true. They say that the nanobots will control our bodies after we die, and spread to new hosts through the infected individual biting a healthy person. I don't really find this cause to be possible than the other topics i stated above.
In the end all we can do is hope nothing like what happens in the movies can happen in real life.
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