Sunday, September 26, 2010

You thought the great white was the biggest?!

Everyone knows, and fears, the great white shark. No other creature that lives in the ocean can give every human the same scare as this type of shark. However, there in  fact used to exist a bigger shark. One larger than any great white shark alone. This shark is known by the name Megladon. This animal lived around the time period of the dinosaurs. Other than the whole "asteroid killing the dinosaurs" conspiracy, not much is known on how these animals became extinct.

Many question whether the existense of this carnivore was possible. Fossils have been found in the past to prove this theory. The only thing is no more fossils have been found lately. That however does not take away the possiblity that this creature is not extinct. For all we know, it could still be lurking in the deep dark oceans of our planet. We know more about space than our oceans.

So the next time someone brags about how the great white is the biggest known shark, ask them if they know who Megladon was.

1 comment:

  1. Considering that many large deep sea creatures have their carcasses wash up on the shore, you'd expect there to have been Megalodon carcasses washing up, too.

    Almost certainly gone. Alas / Whew.
