Sunday, September 26, 2010

You thought the great white was the biggest?!

Everyone knows, and fears, the great white shark. No other creature that lives in the ocean can give every human the same scare as this type of shark. However, there in  fact used to exist a bigger shark. One larger than any great white shark alone. This shark is known by the name Megladon. This animal lived around the time period of the dinosaurs. Other than the whole "asteroid killing the dinosaurs" conspiracy, not much is known on how these animals became extinct.

Many question whether the existense of this carnivore was possible. Fossils have been found in the past to prove this theory. The only thing is no more fossils have been found lately. That however does not take away the possiblity that this creature is not extinct. For all we know, it could still be lurking in the deep dark oceans of our planet. We know more about space than our oceans.

So the next time someone brags about how the great white is the biggest known shark, ask them if they know who Megladon was.

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Garlic has medicinal capabilities to our overall health. Who would of thought that one of the most smelliest vegetables would have positive side effects to our health.  It is known to prevent the common cold, sore throat, and coughs. Not only can this vegetable do that, but it can also decrease cholesterol and the chance of having clogged veins, or arteries.

Believe it or not: it can also treat some symptoms of acne.

As every medicine has its benefits, they have their negative side effects as well. Eating too much garlic could result in damage to the digestive tract. It also is known to have certain allerigic effects with some people.

How can the same thing used to fight vampires, be used to our beneficial health. It is amazing how an everyday fruit can have medicinal properties. I wonder which vegetables/frutis have the same phyical properties.

Works Cited :

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Piranhas scare teddy

In 1913, Theodore Roosevelt went on an expedition to Brazil on the banks of the Amazon River. What he found proved to be something he had never seen before. Something so horrendous he ended up writing a book describing the things he saw on his expedition. I am talking about piranhas.

Piranhas have been known to be cold-blooded killers. Rumors say that they have even attacked and eaten human beings. Is this necessarily true? On Rooselvelt's trip, he saw piranhas devour a whole cow, and described them as the "most ferocious fish in the world." He even interviewed locals who told him stories of people being attacked by simply swimming in the water.

A study was made to see how piranhas act when exposed to "live bait" being presented to them. They concluded that piranhas only attack the weaker individuals. They start to do little bites one by one, then when the prey proves to be weak, they all gang up on him. If you look on youtube, with the search word: piranha, you will find people who have piranhas as pets. From frogs to even a rat, they devour the little critters into pieces where the bone can be seen.

I still would't have the guts to get in a river full of piranhas, and I know many others would feel the same way. In my opinion, they seem to be unpredictable and can devour you if a school of piranhas would be present in the water.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Your Honor, please go with the flow!

The debate is still in the White House yet again.Why can all the Supreme Court Justices agree for the legal authorization of stem cell research?

According to an article done by Reuters earlier this afternoon, one judge refused to lift the ban on fedearl funding for human embroyonic stem cell research. Why was he the only justice out of the nine to say no. Is it still in regards to the whole religious thing that mankind should not have the power, or ability to play god. Not only his he shutting the door, or setting back important research, he is also costing many scientists their jobs.

I strongly disagree with all the "anti-stem cell research" activists. It is important for the benefit of our society that we continue this conducive research because it is said to be the answer to many of our scarce human tissue needs, and the cure to many current incurable diseases. How is America supposed to get ahead on the advancement of medicine if our own government won't coroparate? We will never get ahead of China!